Dignity Action Month

January 29, 2025

February marks Dignity Action Month, which was created to promote dignity, respect and compassion through our care. We all deserve respect and the right to be treated fairly by others. This awareness month promotes this with a special focus on those who are cared for, such as our service users.

As we provide domiciliary care to our service users (within their own homes) our aim is to support their independence, keeping them as comfortable and self-sufficient as possible. At our extra care facilities, our residents receive care calls however have full privacy and independence with their own apartments. With these factors, we are promoting their dignity while supporting their needs.

Ways to preserve the dignity of our service users

Many of our service users are more vulnerable than most. As carers you will see them in their most vulnerable state. Therefore, it is important that we help them feel as comfortable as possible. Helping them to preserve their dignity while still receiving the care that they require.

When visiting your service users, it’s important to make them feel seen, a simple chat, getting to know them over time if you have regular calls with them. These small acts of kindness can greatly improve their mental wellbeing. Also, the more comfortable they feel around their carer, the less vulnerable and uncomfortable they will feel during their care calls, especially during more intimate tasks such as shower calls.

Respecting our service users

During your care calls, it’s important to respect our service users, acknowledging that they have choice and control. Also, even though we are working, we are still guests in their home and need to be respectful of that.

Our carers

While Dignity Action Month focuses around promoting dignity through our care and towards our service users, we appreciate all the hard work that our carers provide and acknowledge the importance that they deserve the same dignity and respect back.

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Looking for Care? Contact Your Local Office

If you would like to talk to us regarding our care services, contact your local office on one of the below phone numbers or you can email us by clicking on the envelope icon relating to your location.

Albany Court
Bamburgh Court
Barnaby House
Beechfield Court (Office)
Blenkinsop Court
Durham Office
Jubilee Court
Laurel Gardens (Office)

Looking for a Career in Care? Contact Your Local Office for our Job Vacancies

Would you like to make a difference to the life of someone in your community and have a career in care that is rewarding and challenging? If the answer is yes, then we want to hear from you. Contact your local office below for more information.

Albany Court
Bamburgh Court
Barnaby House
Beechfield Court (Office)
Blenkinsop Court
Durham Office
Jubilee Court
Laurel Gardens (Office)