Earlier this week we got the opportunity to take some of our service users on a nice day out at Beamish, with the help of Supportive, who were kind enough to help us out on the day and provide transport for our service users and some of our carers.

We saw this as a great opportunity to give Health and Social Care students a glimpse into the role of a care worker. We invited them to join an event with Dale Care and Supportive. The group, consisting of both Level 2 and Level 3 students, enjoyed interacting with our care staff and service users, and assisted in guiding our service users around the museum.

Our service users got the chance to enjoy this day out, visiting the new 1950’s section of Beamish, reminiscing on their childhoods and enjoyed their fish and chips at lunch time.

We are ever so grateful to Supportive for helping us for this event and are proud of all the students for helping us to give our service users a great day out!